Top Masai Mara Luxury Safari Camps and Lodges

Top Masai Mara Luxury Safari Camps and Lodges

In the heart of Kenya is the Masai Mara, a jewel of wilderness that captivates visitors with its raw beauty and abundant wildlife. It’s named ‘Masai’ in honor of the indigenous people, the Maasai. A quick search on YouTube will reveal their astounding jump dances to their colorful and plaid scarves (shukas), a few of […]

A Guide to Ol-Pejeta Conservancy

A Guide to Ol-Pejeta Conservancy

The hardest part about planning a trip to Kenya, Africa, is narrowing down the places to visit. Kenya is a diverse tourist destination, with beautiful white-sand beaches in the south and bush destinations scattered across the country. Many people who are looking for a safari experience rush to book their stay in one of the […]

What is the difference between the Northern and Southern White Rhino?

What is the difference between the Northern and Southern White Rhino?

You know there are five rhino species, and the white rhino is the largest. The white rhino is further split into two subspecies, the southern and northern. While you can tell the black and white rhinos apart, you’re wondering, what is the difference between the southern and northern white rhino? Aside from living in different […]

An image of a white rhino covered in mud

White vs. black rhinos

Rhinos are fascinating creatures that have made it on most people’s bucket lists. But despite their popularity, there’s still a lot of confusion surrounding the species. For instance, the rhinoceros belongs to the taxa order Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates), which means they have more in common with Zebras and Horses than hippos and elephants. Across the […]

An image of a couple on a safari truck

What should I wear on safari?

Everyone looks great in Instagram pictures of their safari. However, those moments frozen in time don’t paint a clear picture of what to expect in an African safari. To paint a clear picture, we’ve given you tips to help you pack for safari. Basics outfits for a safari These principles will guide your wardrobe choice […]

What is the wildebeest migration?

What is the wildebeest migration?

Most people’s knowledge of the Wildebeest Migration comes from documentaries on National Geographic or the iconic Lion King Movie. Despite this, many know very little about this fascinating wildlife event. So, we’ll kick this off by answering the question, what is the wildebeest migration? The Wildebeest migration, also known as the Masai Mara Migration, the […]

An image of an elephant in the savanna throwing sand on itself.

Are Elephants in Kenya Extinct?

We love elephants for their majestic size and intelligence. It’s impressive how an elephant can remember someone or an event several decades later. Unfortunately, you’ve heard claims that elephants in Kenya are going extinct, which concerns you. Is there any truth to this? According to the WWF Kenya (World Wide Fund for Nature Kenya), the […]